
Bridie McGreavy Wins 2017 Article of the Year Award

The Association for the Rhetoric of Science, Technology, and Medicine’s (ARSTM) Article of the Year Award committee has selected Bridie McGreavy for her article “Resilience as Discourse” published in Environmental Communication. The committee unanimously agreed that Dr. McGreavy’s use of archaeological methods to make resilience discourse visible to interdisciplinary audiences… Read More »Bridie McGreavy Wins 2017 Article of the Year Award

POROI Issue 12.2 Now Available

The most recent issue of POROI, an interdisciplinary journal of rhetorical analysis and invention, includes a “Symposium on Engaged Rhetoric of Science, Technology, and Medicine,” which came out of a panel on interdisciplinary engagement featured at the 2016 ARSTM RSA pre-conference. The symposium includes papers by Lauren E. Cagle, Kenneth Walker,… Read More »POROI Issue 12.2 Now Available

2016 Award Winners

New ARST award winners announced for the 2016 year. Visit the Ploeger Memorial Award andArticle of the Year pages for more information. All winners will be recognized at the ARSTM business meeting at NCA.

ARSTM Vicennial Materials

Position papers and response papers written for the Vicennial Celebration are now available in a special issue of POROI: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Rhetorical Analysis and Invention.Check it out here.