Papers on Rhetoric of Science and Gene Editing Published in POROI 14.2

Issue 14.2 of POROI, an interdisciplinary journal of rhetorical analysis and invention, is now available and features papers of interest to Association for the Rhetoric of Science, Technology, and Medicine members.

The issue contains a discussion about the future of rhetoric of science between David R. Gruber and Randy Harris; a paper by Michael Zerbe arguing that, in view of CRISPR-CAS 9 gene-editing, genes should not be figured not as code or blueprint, but as editable text itself. The issue also contains a paper by Alessandra Madella on the rhetorical history and current rhetorical situation of Esperanto.

POROI solicits papers and proposals for special issues on the rhetoric of knowledge production and dissemination. A current special issue CFP asks for proposals on “Critical Big Data Studies.”