CFP for NCA 2020: Communication at the Crossroads

The purpose of the Association for the Rhetoric of Science, Technology, and Medicine (ARSTM) is to promote research, teaching, and civic engagement that explores the communicative and persuasive dimensions of scientific, technical, and medical texts, genres, practices, materials, and settings. The Association is concerned with how scientific and technical discourses shape and are shaped by broader rhetorical, cultural, historical, and material forces.

ARSTM invites submission of individual papers, paper sessions, and panel discussions for the 2020 NCA convention. Submissions may cover any area of the rhetoric of science, technology, and medicine, including but not limited to the rhetorical analysis and critique of (1) scientific and technological texts, materials, practices, and genres; (2) the production, deployment, invocation, and contestation of scientific ideas and technological visions in political, professional or disciplinary, and literary or social contexts (e.g., policy debates, controversies, popular culture); (3) discourses of reason and rationality, including reflexive engagement with the rhetoric of science as a field; and (4) issues of social justice as they intersect with scientific, technological, and medical problematics.

General Submission Information

All submissions must be made electronically through NCA Convention Central. Emailed or mailed submissions will not be considered.


Submission Types

Submissions may take the form of individual papers, paper sessions, or panel discussions.

  1. Individual Paper submissions should include a title, a paper description for the online convention program (75 words maximum), and an extended abstract of 500-1000 words (inclusive of footnotes/endnotes and references/works cited). The extended abstract should clearly outline connections to relevant scholarly conversations, the contributions of the proposed project to that scholarship, the project’s methodology, and the texts or evidence (however broadly defined) on which claims will be based. Only PDF files will be accepted. To be considered for the Ploeger Award for top student paper (detailed below), submitters must submit a complete paper of no more than 25 pages of 12 point and double-spaced text, excluding references or endnotes, and including a maximum 100 word abstract. All authors must be students at the time of submission to be considered for this award. Submitters should indicate they are students by selecting the appropriate box on the electronic submission form.

  2. Paper Session submissions should include a title for the session, a session description for the online convention program (75 words maximum), a list of presenters, their institutional affiliations, and e-mail addresses, titles and descriptions (250 words maximum) for each paper, and a session rationale (500 words maximum) justifying the significance to existing RSTM scholarship and justifying the theme of the session.

  3. Panel Discussion submissions should include a title for the panel, a panel description (75 words maximum) for the online program, a list of presenters, their institutional addresses and e-mail addresses, and a panel rationale (500 words maximum) justifying the significance to existing RSTM scholarship and justifying the theme of the panel.

Joanna Ploeger Memorial Essay Award

Established in 2007 in honor of the late ARSTM past President Joanna Ploeger, this award recognizes the top student papers submitted to ARSTM in a given year. Each year the award recipient’s work will be featured on the ARSTM top papers panel at NCA. Award recipients also receive a plaque and are recognized at the ARSTM business meeting.

  • To be considered for the Ploeger Award, applicants must submit a completed individual paper following the submission guidelines above. Proposals and works-in-progress submissions cannot be considered for the Ploeger Award.

  • Ploeger Award submissions must be marked as “student-authored” on the electronic submission form at NCA Convention Central. Submissions not marked as “student-authored” will not be considered for the Ploeger Award.

Additional Notes

  • A paper, session, or panel may only be submitted to one NCA unit.

  • Individuals may present only one paper on ARSTM-sponsored panels, whether submitted as an individual paper or as part of a session. However, individuals may chair or respond to other panels in addition to presenting a single paper.

  • An individual should serve only one role on a panel (i.e. a chair should not also serve as a respondent; a presenter should not also serve as a chair).

  • Paper Sessions and Panel Discussions should be comprised of individuals from multiple institutions. ARSTM highly encourages the papers and panels with diverse presenters at different stages in their careers.

  • Papers should not have been accepted for publication before the time of submission.

  • Each submission should express a coherent project that addresses relevant concerns related to rhetorics of science, technology, and medicine. Submissions should exhibit sound methodology. Extended abstracts should clearly outline the contributions of the proposed project, and its methodology, scope, and texts.

  • Student papers should be marked as “student-authored” on the electronic submission form. Debut submissions should clearly indicate “Debut” status on the cover page of the uploaded document.

  • Participants are encouraged to keep equipment requests to a minimum. Requests for specific equipment must be submitted online and meet the same submission deadlines for papers, sessions, and panels.

Deadline for Submission:

Wednesday, March 25, 2020 at 11:59 pm Pacific Time

Program Planner:

Dr. Emily Winderman, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities



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