John Lynch Wins 2020 ARSTM Book Award

The ARSTM Book Award Committee is pleased to announce the winner of the 2020 ARSTM Book Award:

The Origins of Bioethics: Remembering When Medicine Went Wrong by John A. Lynch (Michigan State University Press, 2019)

The Origins of Bioethics is a focused and nuanced engagement with the rhetoric of biomedicine.  It skillfully enlists historiography and mobilizes analytic affordances of rhetorical theory to understand how some of the most egregious biomedical misdeeds emerged from a host of material-discursive mechanisms. It further argues that public memorializing of biomedical malpractice is rhetorically important for shaping our response to human suffering and for preventing future malpractice.

Please join us for the presentation of the award at the ARSTM’s business meeting during the National Communication Association conference on November 12, 2020, 5:00 pm Eastern Standard Time,  NCA Zoom Room 03.

During the meeting, we will also acknowledge the two finalists who advanced to the final round of judging:

Communication Strategies for Engaging Climate Skeptics by Emma Bloomfield (Routledge, 2020) and The Charisma Machine by Morgan G. Ames (The MIT Press, 2019)