Call for Nominations: ARSTM Leadership Elections

The Association for the Rhetoric of Science, Technology, and Medicine (ARSTM) members are invited to nominate candidates for the following offices: Second Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Social Media Officer, and Web Administrator.

Self-nominations are encouraged, and incumbents are encouraged to run again, if interested.

As a small organization, ARSTM relies on an active, enthusiastic, and collegial officer group. Service loads are reasonable with most positions normally requiring under 40 hours per year; the President normally has a more significant commitment, and those nominated should be able to serve actively in that role when they become President. Please consider nominating scholars from diverse backgrounds and fields.

Please send nominations by email to the President, Dr. Emily Winderman ( ), by October 1, 2020.

Nominees, if they agree to be considered, will be asked to submit short statements of interest to the President by October 15, 2020. Statements of interest will be shared via the ARSTM listserv and website. All active members will be administered a  allot and elections will be held electronically. Elected officers will be installed at the ARSTM Annual Meeting at the National Communication Association meeting.

Please see below for a list of duties

Article III of ARSTM bylaws provide term limits and an updated (2019) provision for online elections:

Section 3.01 – Appointment and Term of Office

The elected Officers of the corporation shall be President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Webmaster, and Social Media Officer. The elected Officers of the corporation shall be chosen from the membership and serve a term of one (1) year. In general practice, the Second Vice President continues as First Vice President the following year, and the First Vice President continues as President. All Officers are elected by the membership and serve until their successor has been duly elected and assumes office. There shall be no limit to the number of terms any member may serve as an Officer of the organization.

Section 3.02 – Nomination and Election of Officers

The initial election of Officers shall be held under the direction of the President in accordance with policies and procedures established by the Board of Directors. The President will issue a call for nominations and shall prepare a ballot for the election of the Second Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Webmaster, and Social Media Officer to be delivered to the membership electronically. All dues paying current members may cast one (1) vote. At least three (3) Directors must vote for the election to be valid. Officers are elected by a majority of the votes and then approved by the Board via email. Drawing lots will resolve tie votes that cannot be broken through additional ballots. Thereafter, Officers will be installed at the Annual Meeting and the electronic vote will be affirmed and no further vote will be required.

Section 3.05 – Duties of the Second Vice President

The duties of the Second Vice President of the corporation shall be:

(a) Commence planning of annual preconference to be held in two years;

(b) Assist with conference panel programming for upcoming year;

(c) Oversee content generation for Association for Rhetoric of Science, Technology, and Medicine website;

(d) Perform duties prescribed by the President and Board of Directors.

Section 3.06 – Duties of the Secretary

The duties of the Secretary of the corporation shall be:

(a) Record or arrange for the recording of proceedings of the Annual Meeting, meetings of the Board of Directors,      and any Committees;

(b) Work with the Board of Directors and Officers to ensure that accurate records of significant events are kept;

(c) Work with the President to ensure that all meetings have an established agenda and ensure that Directors have      been notified of meetings and have the agenda in time to prepare for the meeting;

(d) Perform duties as prescribed by the President or Board of Directors;

(e) Coordinate with the Treasurer to maintain accurate membership records and email reminders at the expiration of the membership cycle;

(f) Ensure access to records are revoked from outgoing officers and extended to incoming officers during transitional periods.

Section 3.07 – Duties of the Treasurer

The duties of the Treasurer of the corporation shall be:

(a) Direct the establishment of proper accounting procedures for corporate funds;

(b) Ensure that all corporate funds are properly managed;

(c) Advise the Board of Directors regarding the finances of the corporation;

(d) Report on the financial condition of the corporation at all meetings of the Board of Directors and other times when called upon by the President;

(e) Oversee performance of annual audits;

(f) Prepare an annual financial report that will be presented to the Board of Directors;

(g) Perform duties as prescribed by the President or Board of Directors;

(h) Work with Secretary to ensure membership rolls are accurate;

(i) Ensure account access, credentials, and passwords are changed during times of transition.

Section 3.08 – Duties of the Web Administrator

The duties of the Web Administrator of the corporation shall be:

(a) Oversee/maintain web infrastructure;

(b) Coordinate with Treasurer regarding web fees and membership access;

(c) Advise the Board of Directors regarding the web infrastructure of the corporation;

(d) Perform duties as prescribed by the President or Board of Directors;

(e)  Coordinate transition of passwords and login credentials.

Section 3.09 – Duties of the Social Media Officer

The duties of the Social Media Officer of the corporation shall be:

(a) Oversee/maintain social media infrastructure;assign back-up administrator to each social media account and assign tasks to willing administrators as needed;

(b) Coordinate with Treasurer regarding any media fees and membership access;

(c) Advise the Board of Directors regarding the corporation’s social media presence;

(d) Perform duties as prescribed by the President or Board of Directors;

(e ) Coordinate transition, access, and permissions for accounts. Regularly ensure permissions and posting access for President and Social media officer. Ensure past officers are removed upon completion of their service;

(f) Generate regular posts, manage post requests, and approve any guest post requests.